Pastor Lawrence R. Barrett is the Senior Pastor of The Greater Eleazer Baptist Church of Fort Worth, Texas. He was born in the east Texas town of Palestine, TX. Pastor Barrett graduated from Neches High School in 1968.
He moved to Fort Worth, where he started working at a paper manufacturing facility, where he later became a supervisor and then the quality control manager. He was raised in church as was his entire family. His family of eleven brothers and sisters was all raised to attend church and worship God.
A very close family, Pastor Barrett was the seventh child of the six brothers and five sisters. In 1993, he obtained his real estate license in the state of Texas. He is currently licensed and serve many with his realtor skills. He also obtained his income tax preparer license and worked his income tax business for several years.
He united with Greater Eleazer Baptist Church in 1976 under the leadership of Rev. S. J. Williams. Under Pastor Williams, he was chosen as Finance Chairman and worked in this position for thirty-nine years, overseeing two building projects.
Pastor Williams ordained Pastor Barrett as a Deacon in 1980 and he served as a Deacon until he was called into the ministry. He was the Sunday School Superintendent for a number of years and then he taught Adult Men’s Sunday School class. He also taught Bible Study lessons during weekly services.
In February 2005 he was called into the ministry under the leadership of the late Pastor Robert L. Dowell who is his father in the ministry. He preached his first sermon February 20, 2005.
In 2017 the lord called pastor Dowell to his reward. Later a pulpit search committee was formed, and Pastor Barrett was a candidate. He was selected to serve as Pastor in 2017 by a vote of the entire church.
Pastor went on to attend Mount Olive Bible Institute and graduated from Basic Biblical Studies in 2012. He later graduated from Mount Olive Bible Institute in advance studies in 2013.
Pastor Barrett has the awesome responsibility of transforming sinners into saints, the helpless into the helpful and to strengthen believers to be strong Disciples and witnesses for Christ.
Pastor Barrett has been married to his beautiful wife, Rebecca Barrett for thirty-nine years. She has been faithfully by his side every step of the way. Pastor Barrett strives to preach and teach the word of God. He strives to make new disciples for the kingdom.
What makes Greater Eleazer Baptist Church so special is the caring leadership that God has brought to this ministry
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